What Happens to a Person Upon Death? Deepak Chopra, MD

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What Happens to a Person Upon Death? Deepak Chopra, MD


Johanna León says:

I love you baby, and you are my whole world

Salam سلام says:


Carolyn Norton says:

At 3:16, I saw an orb come down from Chopra’s left, cut across and make a turn upward past his right arm!!

Manashi Basu says:

How do you let go of your attachments , as you mentioned ! What’s the method of detachment !

Dayakar Rao says:

Whether realise or not, you are either daughter or son. Death is coming out of body. Birth is coming out of womb, daughter or son. By death, we are expected to be Sons. If not, is still born, you know what happens to a still born.

Robert Campbell says:

The Ego cannot die, because it doesn't exist. It seems to exist because we have hypnotized ourself in a big game of pretend. The goal, then, is not to kill the Ego, but to unhypnotize ourself. Knowing this is not enough – it could take years of experience and practice.

I just did some reading, and some people made the argument that Ego means I, and one of the responses to the question "Does the Ego exist?" was "Your Ego wrote that question." It depends on what you mean by "I". If you say, "I am a person," I is Ego. If you say "I am the universe." I is Infinite Consciousness.

This doesn't mean that other people are coming from your subconscious – otherwise, you would not mind hurting or killing other people. They are just as real as you are. You-Them is a duality. They are you, and you are them. In the higher reality, there is no such separation. To refrain from separating reality is to divide by zero – you get an undefined answer. Once you realize this, you can refrain from defining, explaining or describing reality with words, and instead experience reality for what it truly is.

hanna arent says:


Al Eladon says:

Master is person who createsanother master after himself.
The rest are teachers and gurus. They can not create master. They only sell their knowledge. Otherwise you can say they sell INFO This creation is PERFECT and everything and everybody are necessary. Same as your teacher in 1st class same as new age teachers and gurus. Do not worry to go through their classes. As long ago you changed your teacher the same will happen with current teachers. Your heart will tell you – he does not give me anymore anything and you will leave.
And through pain, troubles continue and if your search is real – master will appear.
On old Hindu temple written – when chelo(pupil) is ready master will appear. And it is most magic truth working in this world.
You can not find master. You will find only gurus. But if your love in search so big Master will appear.
Mr. Choopra – we are consciousness not awareness. Awareness is ability of consciousness. But you are guru and know that better than me.

Santosh Agarwal says:

I do know through daily practice that I am a timeless being,I do know through daily reflection, through daily meditation, through daily transcendence, through daily self-inquiry that the I which we all referred to is not a person, the I is that in which the person is an experience, the I is that in which all this is an experience, the I is that in which the whole universe is an experience.
I is the silent witnessing awareness, the screen of consciousness in which all experiences are modulation of consciousness itself.
Deepak Chopra

Santosh Agarwal says:

Every moment, in a sense, your body that which you call your body or that which you call you a person as body-mind is constantly being born and is constantly dying. So birth and death are happening to experience in every now of experience. Your body-mind being the part of that experience and what is modifying itself into experience of birth and death is timeless, space-less, unbounded, infinite, invisible, intangible awareness. That is our true identity.
The only I that exists is that in which the person is also experience as process just like everything else like every other experience. That is the shift you need to make, that will take away your gloom and transform it into beautiful understanding of your timeless, space-less, unbounded, infinite, invisible, intangible being, existence and awareness of existence and that all there is.
Knowing this and being grounded in this experience is liberation or enlightenment. Enlightenment is just getting rid of all these human constructs that have been imposed upon us by conditioned mind for centuries and centuries.

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