“What Is Consciousness & Where Is It?” – Deepak Chopra

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What Is Consciousness & Where Is It?” Featuring Deepak Chopra

What is the fundamental activity in the universe? Although neuroscience has made enormous progress in looking at the brain correlates of subjective and objective experience, there is still no theory on how we experience mental or perceptual reality. This is known as the “hard problem” in consciousness research.

• Is there a scientifically viable way to explain consciousness?
• Does mainstream science have the methodologies to address this question?
• How do we explain intention, insight, intuition, imagination, creativity, or free will?
• Is free will an illusion?
• Are there states of consciousness that go beyond waking, dreaming and sleeping?

Wisdom traditions speak of higher states of consciousness such as soul consciousness, cosmic consciousness, divine consciousness, and unity consciousness. Is there a way of understanding these states or validating them scientifically? Is our current science which is based on a subject/object split equipped to answer these mysteries? What is the nature of the universe? What is the of nature awareness that makes it possible for us to experience the universe?

Deepak is addressing in this talk these questions as well as others cosmic riddles.

DEEPAK CHOPRA is the author of more than seventy books translated into over thirty-five languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Deepak is the Founder of The Chopra Foundation, Co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Adjunct Professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization. Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as ‘the poet-prophet of alternative medicine’.

For more information visit: http://www.deepakchopra.com
The “birds on a wire” cartoon shown in in the video has been used with the approval of YouTube/The Chopra Well. We thank Deepak Chopra and his team for his support and generosity.


FullFledged2010 says:

Well.. i know 100% that science works. My computer is right infront of me
and it works. there is no way around it. Every human being can understand
and see it working. I’ve yet to see something “spiritual” to actually work
right infront of me and can be repeated over and over again. Thats my
perception of it.
The body and mind are way to complex to be absolutely certain that
“spiritual experiences” are real or not so the only way to prove them is by
measuring them somehow. Until then these are just theory’s for me.

htomerif says:

When you start making assertions without evidence, youre not a scientist,
in fact, as science is definitionally dependent on evidence, when you start
making assertions without evidence you are doing anti-science. Deepak
Chopra does nothing but this. He is deeply anti science. Fancy science
words do not a scientist make, and assertions, no matter how confident, are
not knowledge.


What and where is consciousness when we sleep?


Consciousness is in the soul , the soul is in and around the physical body
, it vibrates at forth dimension , it cannot be seen with the physical eyes
, and because of this we tend to guesstimate the the brain is the best
place to find ones consciousness.The mind , the part of us that is aware of
whats around us , the part that thinks and rationalizes, creates new ideas
and deals with our day to day problems , is in the soul ,

That consciousness is also controld by an Angel in Heaven which we all have
which sends forth parts of its consciousness , as soon as the sperm enters
the egg , then the soul grows with the physical body of the baby , and the
body is controld by the soul from the Angels in Heaven

c baxter says:

Could someone please explain to me if we talk about a “dreamlike” reality
where everything is contained in consciousness, why do people still talk
about the functions of the brain? The brain must be something we dream. Is
it to say that reality is a very rich dream in which we affect our brain
and it changes the nature of the dream? What about brain damage? I agree
with the “conscious led” reality but struggling with this.

Sushil Ghainder says:
Richard Joyce says:

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

Bill Stamford says:

When I listen to the talk I am blissfully aware that truth is illuminated
by the experience of listening.
and further as the illumination enters my conciseness it is present there
all along. I don’t learn but rather remember the truth. 

Barb Balfour says:

He is right on we are nothing more than a kind of thought activity in the
mind of God.

Red Pill Philosophy says:

audio is way too low

marcos esperon says:

Everybody’s life is reflected off of they’re personality and how it will
conflict with consciously or Karmatically but a more in depth form of Karma

Al Carrington says:

I am amazed as to why Deepak as not figured out the obvious. That is that
we are not our bodies,but our souls. The souls are the true inhabitants of
our bodies, it may be very difficult for most of us to understand. The
body is nothing more than an advance form of technology, so trying to
explain our existence as humans, is stupid. We are all spiritual beings,
that means that consciouness exist outside of our bodies. The Dark Matter
he speaks about, is us, the spiritual beings whose existence is the
opposite of matter, we are nothing and yet we exist. We’ve engineered
bodies so that we can take form and participate in the material world. So
there is no connection between the spiritual and biological. So, all else
is bull. I know who I am and it’s not this body. To understand our
existence we must first understand who we are, and humans as such, is not
who we are.

nathenpeter7 says:

Are most of the audiences Indians?
They seem to enjoy Deepak’s confusing assertions!
He trivializes Science in two lines, and the audience seem to enjoy it.
This kind of talk is exactly what has created infinite amount of poverty
in India.
Deepak says “If you can touch, feel, and taste something, then it is
Deepak must go back to India and solve health problems there or feed the

wolfgang fordor says:

Because of our degree of intelligence which is more intricate than the
animals, we envision the probability of some controlling entity of
consciousness functioning behind what we observe. If we dismiss all
religious literature and sacred scriptures, we first pretend we know enough
to state as fact that no supernatural communication has ever reached our
minds or environment. Second, we are left with only the tangible
surroundings of perception and knowledge whose limitations dry out into the
impersonal stagnation of a lifeless Atheism.

In my studies of numerous religious materials spanning many faiths both
ancient and contemporary, all of which are some mixture of truth and
fiction, one stands supreme in actually answering a universal, holistic,
and non-regional description of reality, God, human history and
destiny……….it is known as the URANTIA BOOK. Its exhaustive
explanations is no vastly detailed that it builds up to a 2097 page text.
In its teachings, it arises from our traditional and previous revelations
that have since been altered through time and translations as the
distortions created by man’s financial and political interest. This book
coordinates, adjust, and refines traditional religious concepts into a
greater precision of knowledge joining to the intellectual relativity of
our time. Although I cannot prove its claim of being physically
materialized by angelic techniques as the paramount supernatural revelation
for all of humanity, from a 30 year study, I can recommend the effort to
investigate its concepts and moral directives.

Sai Sanjaymenon says:


Sandra Aguiar says:
mieke van der poll says:

The first part of this lecture is truly clear as long as I am listening to
you dear Deepak. The moment I start thinking about it the clarity is
totally gone lol!
Now I finally understand what you mean by the “Seduction of Spirit”~:D~

I understand by now what you mean by the consciousness of every cell and
what Jesus said about this in the Bible: “Before Abraham I am”… thanks

Substracting from my own “out of body” experience I now also realize that
every discipline whether it is science, religion, philosophy, non-duality,
psychology, gestalt., etc. are all disciplines invented by the human mind:
all pieces of the puzzle where each piece carries the completeness of the
whole puzzle inside itself.

You say: “Consciousness is subject and object as potential”
To me this means: consciousness is That to which I give meaning. I am That

It is so simple so why on Earth have we made it so difficult?

Thank you for putting the puzzle together.

In the end we’ll probably all merge into the Cloud of pure potential (like
Google is aiming at LOL).

Welcome to Cloud nine, my special space ~:D~

S Scherliss says:

I agree with your unwillingness to accept what doesn’t fit your own
experience. It is preferable to know than to believe. Spirituality is about
knowing the most important thing there is to know your self. I am like you
and have always been eager to know myself for myself and was determined to
get that knowledge. I don’t generally follow Depak’s or anyone’s
intellectual discussions on a subject that can be and must be experienced
directly. For that I have found epistemological discussion peripheral and
sometimes if not generally confusing.
If you are sincerely open to let science be science and still interested in
self knowledge there are sources teachers masters past and present who can
give you direction however the discovery is still up to you. After all it
is Self Knowledge. Here are a few sources in the off chance you are
interested: Prem Pal, Adyashanti, Mooji, Ramana Maharshi, these are
authentic teachers with accessible messages that will require no belief on
your part. 

Curio Sity says:

This guy is an absolute con artist. 

Radhika Darcy says:

cant hear it 

David King says:

this guy is so clueless, wealthy fraud who preaches bullshit to gullible
people to steal their money

S Scherliss says:

why bother, looking thru these comments i begin to understand why we have
so much suffering and so little ability to move beyond it. the spiritual or
self knowledge revolution will take too long to save humanity if this is a
true representation of where the typical person is in understanding of the
“Self.” Thank you for giving it a shot Deepak.

pablo escoberg says:
Mitrofan Groznyi says:

The hard problem of consciousness has been solved a few years ago in a very
elegant way. We are elastic holistic holograms embedded into our brains.
And our Universe is also a hologram embedded into the higher dimensional
space. We are living in the multidimensional holographic world. This is the
only possible solution.

Awakened State says:

“What Is Consciousness & Where Is It?” – Deepak C…:

Peter Z says:

Deepak is a con-artist with nothing more than an agenda to sell millions of
books.. which he does quite well. Proof: Look how carefully he presents his
ideas to make them completely outside what can be proven or diss-proven.
That’s fine if it is for entirely entertainment value, but I assume a lot
of people waste their time entertaining the notion that this crap is
somehow legitimate.

jujovitu says:

What Deepak is saying, is that classic science as we know it can only
explain things that are objective, and it has no way of explaining the
subjective. For example, science cannot explain love, hate, jealously,
fear, pain etc. You cannot put these into a scientific equation because
they are subjective. When someone says, “I love you SOOOO much”, how much
is much? You can’t measure it ‘scientifically’ and express it as a
quantity, mass, force, etc.

Great Zeus says:

Actually…roughly 68% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up
about 27%.

Guillaume Breteuil - Porlier says:
Ahmed Shoukry Hafez says:
Narmesh Jain says:

Audio quality may please be improved upon for clarity

Anna Niku says:

Human beings are eternal beings with a soul. The kingdom of heaven and hell
are real places in eternity. After our body dies on earth, a human’s soul
goes either to the kingdom of heaven or to hell for eternity. The Word of
God, The Holy Bible, is the Word of Truth.

The kingdom of heaven is a place where “…God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are
passed away” (Rev. 21:4), “…there shall be no night there; and they need
no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them
light:…” (Rev. 22:5)

Hell is a place where one is eternally separated from God, where “there
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 24:51), where “…the smoke
of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day
nor night…” (Rev. 14:11), “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not
quenched” (Mark 9:48).

The only way to God and to the kingdom of heaven is Jesus Christ. Jesus
Christ is the Lord. Humans carry their sins and cannot take themselves
their sins away. Only and only Jesus can take away our sins. Jesus paid for
our sins on the cross by becoming the ultimate sacrifice and by dying for
us. He conquered death when He was resurrected.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6), “Many will come in my name,
claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many” (Mark 13:6). Satan, our soul
enemy does not want you to know the truth. Satan wants us to worship him,
believe his lies, stay in sin and be like him. Satan fell from heaven
because of pride, he wanted and wants to be like the Most High. But Only
God is God. The Lord God Almighty does Not share Glory. “I am the LORD:
that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another…”. (Isaiah 42:8)

Jesus Christ came to free us so that our sins would be washed away through
his blood, we would receive the Holy Spirit and we would have eternal life
with God. No one comes to the Heavenly Father but by Jesus Christ.

Believe God’s Word to humanity; The Holy Bible, believe that Jesus died for
your sins, confess your sins to God, turn away from all sin, accept Jesus
as your Lord and Saviour and give your life to Him.

scienceandnonduality says:
Great Zeus says:

Deepak, Quantum Physics has nothing to do with God… please stop using
areas of Science which the average person can’t understand without a
massive amount of time spent researching it… you talk about the “woo woo”
of others… but this is your “woo woo”. You are either very ill informed,
or you are just another con man!

Open-minded Skeptic says:

I think Deepak is on the right track toward a fuller understanding this
mysterious reality. I always enjoy his lectures. Cheers.

Jacob Sabat says:

consciousness is NOT Consciousness. What passes for Consciousness is
inattention. Consciousness is Total Attention. consciousness is all that
thought has put together as the I, the me, the self, the Self.
Consciousness is Inner Silent Space. Freedom from the I, the me, the
self, the Self, is what gives birth to this Consciousness for the very
first time.

Simon Fraser says:

ugh, I don’t know why people like Dean Radin and Stuart Hameroff even
associate themselves with Chopra. The former actually have experimental
evidence that they publish in journals. Chopra doesn’t, he comes out with a
load of random stuff and makes huge amounts of money out of it. I honestly
do think that resistance to certain phenomena in the mainstream is due to
him. He just puts people off.

Elan Star says:

max Planck:
“Anyone who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind
realizes that over the entrance to the
gates of the temple of science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’
It is a quality which scientists cannot
dispense with. … The pure rationalist has no place here.” (From “Where is
Science Going,” Norton

DON W says:

Deepak is the best !

adam sawyer says:

i enjoyed that and after seeing the comments below i am brought back to the
realisation that people still worry about wrong or right which work for

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