What Is the Point of Spirituality?

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A lot of people are – rightly – very sceptical of what goes on under the word ‘spirituality.’ But might there be something of value nevertheless in aspects of what people call the spiritual? A short guide to what a highly rational mind might learn to appreciate within the concept of ‘the spiritual.’
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“The word spirituality has a capacity to divide people like few others. For some, it’s an innately beautiful touchstone, the designator of a special kind of experience that is so valuable, it is best left reverentially unexplored and pure, lest one disturb its ethereal mysteries with the cold hand of reason. For others, it’s nonsensical bunkum of appeal only to adolescent dreamers, the underemployed and the weak minded. But precisely because ‘spiritual experiences’ are so often either worshiped or derided, it pays to try to submit them to dispassionate and sober examination, not in order a priori to crush them or honour them, but so as to make them more intelligible, to friend and foe alike. Whatever our suspicions, spiritual moments are capable of being pinned down, split into their constituent elements and assessed with due regard. One should – and can – get respectfully rational about spirituality.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Natalia Biegaj

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Vale Productions


The School of Life says:

Do you consider yourself spiritual? Let us know in the comments below and to join your fellow School of Life audience members, be sure to download our new free app: https://bit.ly/2H2Co9p

Pich Nancy says:

The fact that i put on this video just to listen to his soothing voice and falling asleep slowly is kinda cool.

Casey Rothwell says:

One of the best School of Life videos I've seen. Sometimes I feel the School of Life takes a too atheistic and cold, rational approach to life. This explained spirituality excellently in my opinion, neither worshippingly or condescendingly. Thanks for that. It makes me feel more open to SOL ideas in other videos, knowing they are not coming from a totally materialist perspective. Well done 🙂

Goldie Milgram says:

This is an interesting piece in that it communicates well on a segment of the point of spirituality. Being short on time, I'd just mention that the cultural forms that spiritual development of the individual takes–as in the Hindu Satsung, Jewish Passover Seder, Catholic Confessional, and a vast many more approaches and the nuancing of how spirituality and healthy spiritual intimacy happens that I know from teaching and engaging mitzvot practice support groups on Jewish spiritual practices such as Lo TIkom, how to refrain from holding a grudge.

Edrian Baydo says:

this is simply well put 🙂 Keep up doing god's work and thanks The School of Life channel!

Cal .W says:

In need of some spirituality right now

lettertube says:

This is not from anyone who has felt spirituality.

Fraidoon Warasta says:

thanks! too me SPIRITUALITY is just a word for things which are indescribable ….nevertheless this word in our modern time is extremely blown up…..you know it better!

Jaime Mondestin says:

Most beautiful clip ever watch.

Tom Adamson says:

What Maslow described as peak experiences.

Katalina DeLuna says:

Hey everyone..the world as we know it really isn’t what we think it is. A long time ago, dark forces took control of our world and designed many, many traps in order to enslave and harm us. This is why there is so much darkness, suffering, and lack on this planet. These traps are more complicated than we realize… Apart from the religious nonsense they have poured down our throats since we were born (reason for that being that they are able to suck our energy whenever we pray to some “god”), they have built for us an astral playground and have given some psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, ability to astral project, telekinesis, ability to explore other dimensions, realms and planets, ability to communicate with higher beings, ability to see the future, etc. so we would stay in our fantasy world and never find out all the horrible, torturous things they did to us. None of these abilities are real! When we have these “special skills” we falsely believe we are “awake,” “enlightened,” and “fully aware of the truth”, and basically willingly walk right into the trap. The real truth is that we have bigger and better abilities than the fake ones the darks have given us. They just have blocked us from accessing them. They gave us fake abilities so that we would never wake up to our own innate power. Many things in the common spiritual world are controlled by darks. For instance, synchronicity is just darks manipulating our environment to lead us astray. Chakras are dark implants. Channelings are not trustworthy as the information received comes straight from the darks. Karma is a dark tool meant to enslave us. Spiritual awakening symptoms are most likely just the effects of darks attacking us and taking advantage of us while we cling on to the belief that we are spiritually evolving. If we’re waiting to spiritually ascend, we’ll be waiting forever. No one single event is going to liberate this planet; we have to do all the work ourselves. Love is a great thing, but it is not always the answer. Believing in this will only give the darks permission to harm us as we send more love and forgiveness to them.

Archangels, spirit guides, ascended masters and "benevolent ETs" are only dark beings pretending to be of the light. Please don’t work with them! They will only suck your power. (Here’s what really happens when you do “lightwork”: http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=102&t=2150&p=24552&hilit=Pavlov#p24552) Also, have you ever wondered why nothing‘s ever changed, even though spiritual leaders and “experts” have been preaching the same stuff for years? These gurus, channelers, guides and “masters” are only throwing breadcrumbs your way in order to keep you hooked onto their lies for their benefit. Please wake up and realize that this is only another trap. Why would dark forces make it so easy to awaken? At this point spirituality has already penetrated into the mainstream.

Any being that is down here “helping” is not light. All you need is yourself and no one else. We are also not all “one.” We are not part of some higher God or Source. Although the idea may sound enticing, there is no conscious, all-loving, omniscient creator. That is only a dark lie with the intention of diminishing your power by telling you that you belong to something larger and to force you backwards in evolution. We are here as unique beings. This is what we’ve evolved into. “Merging with the whole” would mean that you lose all the evolutionary progress you made.

I know this is very hard to hear, but the truth can sometimes be harsh. Please stop letting the darks exploit, misuse, and mislead you. The idea of “love and light” was spread just to make you docile, submissive, and accepting of any harmful things that are done to you. Knowledge is power, and we have to spread the knowledge and get out of the trap together! A number of beings on this planet are a part of the Protoi Alliance, a team that battles against the darks on higher levels 24/7. If you are a part of this group, you can be certain your other parts are doing a stellar job up there. These battles have real side effects and cause many of us to feel physically fatigued and emotionally drained. But it’s up to you to wake up to who you really are and take responsibility down here. There is a bright future ahead of us if we are willing to put in the effort to make it so! 🙂

If you’ve read this far, I commend you. It’s not an easy read, but there is an information war going on, and this stuff needs to get out there in the most direct way possible. Thank you for taking the time 🙂

Please take a look at these links for more detailed information:

Oneness Illusion Creation – Astral Disneyland: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=2194‬
and ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2286‬
“Oneness”: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2343‬
The Divine Plan: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=2028‬
Benevolent ETs: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=2310‬
Your “Purpose in Life”: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2255‬
Your “Divinity”: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=1826‬
Become Who You Really Are!: ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=1647‬
Who are the Protoi and what do they stand for? ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2357‬ and ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2384‬
What is this forum all about? ‪http://forum.presbeia-protoi.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2383‬

Adam Lancsak says:

I thought it was RuPaul in the thumbnail

Kikoberserk says:

I have no problem with what you described here, I do however have major problems with spirituality.
Specially with the term. Why call it "spiritual" and with that reference something we have no evidence of?
We have absolutely zero evidence of a spirit. Calling those experiences "spiritual" propagates this religious idea of an imaterial and impossible to detect invisible part of ourselves, and that is a disservice for our humanity.
The term "spirituality" has over 30 acceptable definitions. Something with that much ambiguity isn't definite at all. Why not call it wholefull, or wakefull (poor terms I know, but better than spiritual)
It's a great thing to let go of your ego and experience life and the world as a separate entity of yourself. It is'nt great to perpetuate silly religious belief.

Jerome Wright says:

Be humble in your beliefs.

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