What is Tibetan Buddhism?

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Tibetan Buddhism is a unique expression of Buddhism that has developed over centuries in the high Himalayan region of Tibet and the surrounding areas. The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, is perhaps the most well-known figure associated with Tibetan Buddhism. In this video, we will explore the key teachings and practices of Tibetan Buddhism, including tantric meditation, compassion, and the concept of emptiness.

Special thanks to Dr. Connie Kassor for co-writing this episode. Follow her on Twitter at: @constancekassor

To learn more, check out Dr. Aaron Proffitt’s introduction over at: @AmericanBuddhistStudyCenter

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@ReligionForBreakfast says:

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@user-ej6zf7xj5u says:

Ito Rosa's Family….. Again….. Thanks NYPD……❤❤

@xtraa says:

Regarding Nagarjuna, it's a fun-fact that he falsified dualism 1.500 years before Descartes invented it. And this is meanwhile also backed up by hard science. 🙂 He is pretty unknown in the west except among dharma-followers, but it's no exaggeration to say that he is even more complex and mind-blowing than Plato or Aristotele and in the eastern culture he is as significant as Laozi for example.

@xtraa says:

đź”– Very nice sum up, thank you so much! Just one thing I noticed: The "big" in "big vehicle" does not stand for "everybody can ride" or "place for everyone", although that is also the case. It's a famous misconception. The BIG here refers to "helping OTHERS to free them from suffering, TOO".

@buddhaexhumed9922 says:


@chdarwin05 says:

Great overview! Definitely a need for further study and contemplation.

@IvanGeorgievFilmMusicComposer says:

Merit accumulation means: gain deeper understanding. Of what? The true nature of our consciousness and the outer world.

@damlakaya5269 says:

Nice ♾🦋💫✨

@user-pe5uk2zf4o says:

Der Buddhismus ist einen ganz unnatĂĽrliche Machtorientierte animistisch-schamanistische Trance Religion.Und lebensfeindlich

@MasterK-hv4ws says:

The main reason tibetan buddhism is so well known is geopolitics

@user-is3dw2bh5v says:

I just finished watching avatar the last Airbender and after watching this video I realise how much influence Tibetan Buddhism had on the show in the show we see that ang was chosen as the reincarnation of Avatar after he chose several relics from the past avatars also angs guardian monk was also named gyatso

@aryanjawale4335 says:

Buddhism have many schools of teachings and you can go to any school which is really nice ❤

@mahendrabhalerao2425 says:

The concept of shunya is the modern concept of quantum coupling or alignment at particle physics level . The quark theory of synthesis of protons,neutrons etc define interdependence irrespective of distance and space time position of the universe.

@zenonpinezka says:

Theravada resonates much better with me. Tibetan buddism is quite similar to the Catholic concept.

@northscale7563 says:

This is excellent. Thank you. One note: not all forms of buddhism practice visualization! In Zen (I'm an ordained lay zen monk), there is no visualization! At all! We practice eyes-open, present moment awareness focused on the ever-changing, ever-moving lower belly breath. I imagine because visualization would insinuate both a sense of separation (nothing is separate from a zen POV), as well as ideas of gain and loss (nothing to gain, nothing to lose). Otherwise absolutely excellent content. Thank you!!

@Pockipockipocki says:

That not Buddhism.! But Lamaism whose leader is Dalai lama!, in the future, they will b praying to his image!,

@michaelsaw3836 says:

One of the Best explanation herein. Only one who has been endowed will skillful means could define so well. Thank you for the dedicated work done here ❤

@chuckfinn7771 says:

The information provided in this 23 minute video explains a lot about tibetan buddhism. I recently visited Ladakh, India which is an extended tibetan land falling under Indian control and your information matched exactly with what I experienced there. Also i got to learn many more things from your video. Thank you.

@avielp says:

Omg Buddhism is bamboozling

@gergosoos4652 says:

24 minutes to scrap the surface. The fascinating thing to me is that my local European/American heritage, religional neighborhood is filled with people tryint to climb to the top on each other's shoulders thinking about career and power in a disuise of faith. I cannot imagine religion without hatered. Yet I know it exists. I "know the nature of humans" yet this still somehow exists.

@MindfulExplorations-op7bg says:

Thank you for this video ❤….I appreciate your efforts.

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