“What you resist, persists. What you look at disappears.” Neale Donald Walsch.

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“What you resist, persists. What you look at disappears.” Neale Donald Walsch.

Fears | Regrets | Barriers

The top three things I will be focusing on this year. Many see these words as weaknesses. Though I see them as strengths.

Fears. Something we all deal with, and has the characteristic of surprising us when we least expect it. Things there that weren’t there before. Problems that face us, that we know we eventually have to face back.

Regrets. Many of times we talk ourselves out of what we deep down know is for the best for us. Or maybe we cut ourselves short of what we are really capable of and miss out on seeing the green leaves on the other side of the fence.

Barriers. These are the obstacles in our path. From small to large, these come in many different forms. Although, fears and regrets may seem tough to look at already, barriers are the silent killers. Sometimes the worst kind is the barrier of ego, hampering your ability to achieve and work to your full potential.

So let’s replace Fears with Confidence. Let’s have confidence in the toughest of times so we no longer fear. Let’s replace Regrets with Risk. Let’s take the risks without looking back on regrets. And let’s replace Barriers with Humility. Let’s have humility as we break down barriers and take real action.

It’s constant work. Personally, I have had to work on all three of these, and still do. I encourage everyone to find those weaknesses that are kryptonite to your workflow and change them into strengths. I hope everyone flourishes in this new year. And I am forever grateful for the incredible memories I have and have yet to be shared with all of you my friends. ❤️


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