What’s A Day Like In The Life Of Eckhart?

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Not very interesting or glamorous, Eckhart Tolle explains.


Justin Kellner says:

As a recovering addict I find Eckhart's teachings to be a foundational supplement to the 12 step program I practice. Without his teachings I could have easily found myself stagnating, and continuing to live a spiritually bankrupt existence… By finding the power of presence in my life I can truly say I have found myself. Life is good today. Thank you Eckhart.

Dianna Dahlke says:

Good man thanks good advice

Tony S says:

Why is he wearing a Ralph Lauren top? Isn't that frivolous? How much should we care about our appearance?

Paul James Barkhouse Jr. says:

Eckhart Tolle, I knew what the answer was going to be, and it sounds like cloud nine to me, we just needed you to know, you are much love, because you are you…and in the collective stillness, we open our hearts and in the now know, the isness the peace, you are gifted, thank you for sharing your gilf with us.
Paul Barkhouse Jr.

Dave Kardashian says:

I love Eckhart Tolle ! He's the man

TinkaBlue says:

Introverts are mysterious and powerful, I see myself in this peaceful man, good video

Nelida Rivera says:

Love your humour. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and peace.

Christine Ebadi says:

That was adorable <3

Non Ya says:

My life is boring…oh except occasionally when I visit Oprah! xD He is so funny!

Eileen Vaughan says:

Love these talks ………. You are quite funny !!!!!!

Fleur sarah says:

His life is just like mine, except I sleep more than 5 hours. How delightful!!! Love his little chuckle too.

kiwigal1965 says:

Thank you for your message, a bit of sanity in our crazy world.

Gina Wysingle12 says:

Jesus loves you eckhart!! You are so giving of your time with your gift. Thank you for helping me gain peace if mind and stillness. 🙂

Fabio Ferrari says:

Thank you for posting this. As my Ego gets weaker and weaker, my life seems to get less and less interesting too. My tastes are getting simpler. My wants smaller. My wishes fewer. In recent months I started wondering if there was something wrong with me or was doing something wrong because I have lost the desire to, say, traveling, going out, social media, etc. (typical activities everyone does and I too used to do). This video was most reassuring that I am on the right track of my spiritual journey. Thank you Eckhart!

Jessica Wolan says:

Love this man

[r00t] says:

What a humble and gentle man.

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