Who is the Dalai Lama?

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He’s one of the most well known spiritual leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries. The present Dalai Lama is the 14th in a long line stretching back to the 1300s.

The word “Dalai” means an ocean, implying an “ocean of wisdom.” “Lama” means teacher.

Tibetans believe the Dalai Lamas are reincarnations of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. When the current Dalai Lama approaches old age, the search starts for his next reincarnation.

Starting with the fifth Dalai Lama in the 1600s, they have led Tibet politically as well as spiritually. The fifth Dalai Lama built the Potala Palace—one of the most recognizable landmarks in Tibet.

But the current Dalai Lama was forced to flee Tibet in 1959 and is currently living in exile in Dharamsala, in northern India.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is best known for his representation of Tibetans in their struggle for freedom and human rights. In 1989, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his, (quote) “consistent resistance to the use of violence in his people’s struggle to regain their liberty.”

In 2011, the Dalai Lama retired from politics, breaking the 370-year tradition of the Dalai Lama being the political and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.

According to the tradition of reincarnation, the present Dalai Lama selects his successor. But, when he selected a new Panchen Lama in 1995, the Chinese authorities abducted the child who was never seen again. The Chinese regime then appointed another Panchen Lama instead.

Thus it remains unclear as to who will be next Dalai Lama—the one Tibetans will recognize as their highest spiritual and political leader.

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Ganesh ganes says:

Y Dali lama never die love u 😍😍😍

No name says:

I want to beat the shit out of him like in the movies when spiritual important people get the shit beat out of them

Gareth Keemore says:

Cool story bro

ten desh says:

He spent his whole life practicing and teaching compassion, love and wisdom so that others can be happy. He never tell lies, divisive speech, cheat, angry, crave.
He is always truthful, kind, wise, unbiased, straightforward.

Living Impetus says:

Sounds bogus.

Jason May says:

The Dalai Lama chooses the next Panchen Lama, who, in turn, chooses the next Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama does not choose his successor directly, as you suggest.

Lucifer Morningstar says:

Silly humans

Paul Sun says:

菩萨是爱所有众生的 应该是各各党派团体 各各种族阶级 各各世上生命 仁爱 爱人 世界和平 种族地源的斗争 只会带来人与人的不信任 利益和战争始源

Myke Bulvai says:

Inevitable that the dharmma taught by gotama would end up this way. Spiritual sovereignty makes me laugh. I like him in 7 years in tibet though, so unlike gotoma, raised in privilege, remains in privilege. LOL.

fulltimegeek says:

Just another air traffic control specialist leading souls to the gates of hell.

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 7:14

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