Why the Dalai Lama Matters

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Authors Robert Thurman and Pico Iyer reflect on the Dalai Lama’s ideas and work as a religious leader, politician, scientist, and philosopher. Series: Voices [11/2009] [Humanities] [Show ID: 16536]

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Gyaltsen Tsondue says:

Inspiring speech.

Rinzin Dhorjee says:

Thank you Pico Iyer and Professor Robert Thurman:) wonderful and educative to all !

456inthemix says:

@ Sam D  (Selfcorrection of Swiss Television)
Teil 1/7 Selbstkorrektur des SF1 zu seiner umstrittenen Serie "Bruderzwist" um Dorje Shugden

Stephen H. Norton says:

Fabulous. So glad I found this. Pico and Robert – you are natural together. Brilliant talk.

Mike Sobirey says:

…to be precisely…without thinking in dualism…

Bhu Bryan says:

We, Tibetans, were one time powerful and then chose to be a peaceful country, but that didn't work… Buddhism literally discourage war or violence, and the Communist China (Mao) saw it as a weakness thus invaded. Chinese history has the record that Tibet was powerful one time. Shame to the world that peace has room, shame.

k2basecamp01 says:

As a human being, how do u know what insect feel and think?
Its said that in animal and insect world -they are driven by only instinct and desire- so they are deprived of clear thinking and wisdom that allow them to restrain themselves from doing what they are doing so they are very pitiful..

cholsum punda says:

that time tibetan dont need to become refugee iam from peasant family ok.and your goverment have truth then why not allowing independent journalist and fact finder

cholsum punda says:

in ancient time there had culture of sacrifice animal to god then high lama advise not to sacrifice animals so dalai lama always advice us to better human being like doctor advice not to smoke for our benefit and for our health

Sam L says:

It is ironic that the Dalai Lama preaches compassion here but persecutes other Tibetan Buddhist sects at home. Watch this video “1/3. from SwissTV. The Dark Side of Dalai Lama” find it on Youtube to see how Tibetan monks are persecuted by Dalai Lama.

Dr Walter Tonetto says:

Flawed and egotistical reasoning!

pipenissen says:

Free Tibet is like saying Free Sweden or Free California. Sweden is in the EU and California is in the USA. They have been independant countries earlier.

Tom Nancy says:

Are you Tibetan? No Tibetan has ever said, ofcourse unless under duress during the cultural revolution, that he or she has been mistreated by the monks or whatever. If we so hated Budhism and monks, why would we support moansteries everywhere, why would Tibetans in Tibet go to the extreme of taking their own lives just to have the HH Dalai Lama back home…your mantra that if you repeat lie a hundred times will become truth is obsolete now!!! learn anew trick to fool others you loser!!

Tom Nancy says:

that one should sum up your answer…sorry for copy-pasting

thamainbama says:

My question to your theory is, before the Chinese invasion, why do the Tibetan farmers so poor and the lamas were so wealthy and live in the Potala palace? Do monlks need to rule a country and make their subjects , slaves? Why does the Dalai Lama need political power? It is so contrary to what he is practicing, "Buddhism".In fact the Dalai Lama is a spiritual dictator.

Giga Pedia says:

and what exactly do you know what dalai lama has done to their own kind and the reputation of buddhism and chinese people?

Giga Pedia says:

what the fuck joke is that?

PadriVeum says:

@gigapedia38 are you chinese? seems like you have a lot of anger for buddhists and not a lot of honesty about the chinese governement's policies.

Giga Pedia says:

the fucking idiot says the heretics of buddhism, dalai lama, knows chinese culture better than chinese!

Giga Pedia says:

of course the leader of tibetan in the past who were monks claiming against the buddha's foundamental teaching that they were buddha, fucking silly, were responsible to killing and mis-treating their people!

rockmt1911 says:

What a great and wise speaker.
Tibetan Buddhism is quite popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. And even amongst Singaporean and Chinese Malaysian.

nomad raby says:

Absolute you are great master of Tibet, I am so glad to watch you. I have been learning from you lots about Tibet. Please keep up.
Thanks share us the great kingdom of spiritual.

Johnny Jiang says:

Screw u , Oh yeah, What r u gonna say about NEW mexico and Hawwaii?

TheMightyGuri says:

ok im sorry i was something else with my mind… sorry

the feudal and serf system existed, thats true but the people werent unhappy like today

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