Why YOUR SOUL Brought You HERE — Your PURPOSE Is More OBVIOUS Than You Think | Neale Donald Walsch

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There’s a reason you’re here on Earth now, and a sacred mission, your soul has in mind.
And this purpose is greater than you could ever imagine!

We each have a soul purpose and path we signed up for, and in this fascinating interview with Conversations with God’s Neale Donald Walsch, you’ll begin to see what it is!

When you discover your Soul’s purpose, you’ll light up, doors with fling open, and you’ll find a path toward unity with everyone and everything. When you discover why you’re here, the magic begins to happen!

Neale Donald Walsch is a best selling author of the Conversations with God series, through his journey of spiritual faith he comes to us today with an abundance of insight for living at our highest, truest nature.

Make sure you tune in today as we’ll give you all the insights, tools, and perspectives you need to further connecting to your Spirit, aligning with your Soul and discover your greatest path—and mission!

Find Neale Donald Walsch’s book The Essential Path: http://essentialpath.info/

Visit Neale Donald Walsch: http://nealedonaldwalsch.com/

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#InspireNation #NealeDonaldWalsch #ConversationsWithGod

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Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation says:

📚 Order Michael Sandler's "Automatic Writing Experience" book:


Turn your journaling into channeling!

Sandi Lang says:

This conversation is fascinating and I so agree with Neal's that I am a mere wave in the ocean. However my compassion goes to an unhealthy level of caring for all human beings good or bad. My family does not like that I need an understanding for what possesses people to do the horrific things they do.

Shannon Phillips says:

Do we have to know hate to know love? Love is our true identity. Did we have to know what hate was like before we knew what love was like? No.

Hate isn't the opposite of love. Rather, hate is the absence of love and hate can only be experienced as an illusion, like a dream. Do you have to know the absence of something to know it? No.

It sounds to me what he's saying is you can't know duality unless you experience both polarities, which, of course, is true. But our true nature is love and love has no polarity because love is everything. It's all-encompassing. It transcends duality. And that is who we REALLY are, one with love.

We can talk about duality, observe it in the outer world, but what's the point? It's just a distraction. Duality is endlessly distracting.

So, what is the TRUE purpose of coming here? To avoid love. To live the illusion of separation. To experience ourselves as separate from love and God. That's the purpose. And it will never work. You can't step outside oneness. And you can't make separation real. You can only create the illusion of it and live in pure insanity.

Mr. Walsch brings up body identification. Materialism (the belief that only matter is real) is the cause of the alienation he so rightly points to. There are, of course, resources available to people suffering from alienation but you can lead a horse to water . . . .

Materialism is the religion of our time. I would call it atheistic materialism but even many religious types are very invested in thinking of the physical world as the only true reality whether they want to admit it or not. This explains why so much alienation goes on even with those who claim to value the "spiritual". Churches even have "prosperity gospel" which focuses on wealth and "abundance" but it's really just more denial of our true nature as eternal spirits. Atheists and extreme religious types really aren't that different. Only the form is different but not the content. And one certainly need not be a member of either of these groups. The common denominator is the desire to perceive one's self as a body.

But materialism is just the cover for an even deeper issue. What we are seeing is insane minds taking the absurdity of separation from God to its ultimate extreme:

"We're not spirits. We're bodies. We're matter. Even our minds are merely an effect of matter. Choice is an illusion. Connection is merely a programmed response. Love is just a chemical reaction in your brain. We are the victims of our bodies and the outside world."

To put it very simply, it is nothing less than the complete denial of love and our true nature as one with each other, the universe, and God. And why would anyone do that? Because we want to believe we created ourselves, that we're special, separate, and gods of our own creation. Just the briefest observation of human ego with all its fear, defensiveness, attack, and, yes, alienation, attests to our desire to achieve this ultimately doomed goal.

I'm not really sure why this doomed attempt has finally reached its nadir at this point in our "evolution" but I suspect a large percentage of the population has quietly come to the realization that this goal will never work and is ultimately undesirable and, yes, even silly and certainly insane and ridiculous. And perhaps we had to reach "bottom" to come to that awareness.

Shannon Phillips says:

Eckhart Tolle is alive and well.

Carmen Okamoto says:

I love this!

Marvonjoh Wiorjo says:

Our soul is our life. No soul is second death. Love Joy Peace is the Light focused from soul to universe. Eternal life now is life determined from our soul. The kingdom of heaven is in you. As above so below. Know thyself. perfect
harmony is, know god creator in thyself.

Anonymous says:

The interviewer should have put time stamps for this long a video.

Denny Norman says:

Yes true and have you ever had a gut feeling that someone is making our belief come true, whenever they feel like it. So that tells me it’s one part belief and one part having a friend in high places who hears our call of faith or someone who takes time out once in awhile for his/ her subjects of this matrix. For me the latter has been true, but not always , and we shouldn’t fret if our friend is not quick to come to our aid 🌍❤️

twahlbrink0911 says:

Issue….went away from God. Because of that, the deep state's plan and actions to sow division and create chaos is working perfectly.

vijay thomas says:

BullShit, your so-called–god, is your own manifestation of a deity that has deluded mankind/us with your-so-called original sin, we are free of what ails you, as a sad individual …'god isn't and is.merely (only), just existing in your deluded imagination, that seems utterly miniscule and limited? Why not just admit you really 'don't know'? Then actually pursue the quest to find out, it is much more rewarding, where the possibilities may turn out to be, that you may actually find the real you and that truth might lead you to the realisation to lose the delusion you find yourself wrapped in, by the denial that you really 'don't know,' which is a twisted and unconvincing paradigm in which you cover your thoughts in, you cannot even exalt or celebrate, what merely exists as you believe because only you say so/or think it to be a fact, that your truth might be a universally or an accepted …truth, which it is NOT? There is No god, only your dangerous beliefs, that contaminate the world of reality and of truth of existential thought and a proper discourse on the matter of your so-called god would be spurious to any debate in real logical terms, to find any takers in those who want to know how and why you hold those thoughts? Without proof or reason to provide any kind material known fact, for this phenomenon you insists rules over all mankind and natures existence here on earth today? To attribute it to a belief as thin and baseless as your ideal is delusional in reality?

vijay thomas says:

Why don't you practice or comprehend that, 'WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW'', is 'Better', than making up what you really don't know and pretend to believe, then indoctrinate a whole load of brain dead so-called followers who follow you as a bunch of Lemmings might …? There is no god …who is merely man made and the soul is an figment of a exalted twisted imagination of those Shamen like you are, with nothing better to do than make-up fake stories to dupe the hoi-polloi? Disgraceful …?

Adrienne Miller says:

PURE GOLD: “Our own eternal life is not threatened in any way by what’s occurring on this planet.” ❤️

Nite Fox says:

The REAL Truth about God. Thank you Both. Blessings, Namascar and Shanti

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