Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Dr Wayne W Dyer Unabridged Audiobook

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Wayne promises that after reading his newest book, Wishes Fulfilled, you will be able to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that are already hidden within you and that you will be able to create a life in which all you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Wayne states that you can achieve this by using your imagination and by practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes already fulfilled. In this review, I will take an in-depth look at Wishes Fulfilled to see if it lives up to his claims.

Dr. Dyer starts out his book with a few stories and reflections from his own personal life. These are stories where Wayne used the principles found within, Wishes Fulfilled, to manifest his desires. Wayne talks about the mentors who had a strong impact on him as well as the importance of having an active imagination. Dr. Dyer says, “When you are able to passionately feel whatever it is that you wish to have or become, as long as it is aligned with your highest self – that is God, you become it and it becomes you.”

I enjoyed the opening to his book and found reading his stories very interesting, however I found one of them to be a little far fetched. In one story Wayne tells us that he was giving a lecture to a group when he could actually feel Saint Francis enter his body and give him power. “I experienced him, not only by his words and not only around me, but in me – as me – while speaking,” said Wayne. He then goes on to share a letter from a member of the audience, stating that she actually saw Wayne transform into Saint Francis. I enjoyed the message behind the story, and well, only Wayne and this lady could say what really happened that day, but I personally had a hard time swallowing this tale.

After the intro, Wayne goes into details discussing the importance of changing your concept of yourself, which is created by your beliefs. Chapter one is all about getting the reader ready to enter into a realm where all of their wishes are guaranteed to be fulfilled. Wayne tells us, “there’s a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at wherein you can, if you are willing to change your concept of yourself as an ordinary being, find yourself fulfilling any and all wishes that you have for yourself.”

Wayne then introduces readers to their connection with Source. He says that our higher-self, the one that is not held back by ego, is free to expand, is full of greatness, and is completely turned on by the idea of expanding without limits. “Your invisible self is extraordinary because it is a fragment of the universal soul, which is infinite. The part of you that knows you have greatness, and is stirred by the idea of you expanding and removing any and all limitations is what I am addressing here in Wishes Fulfilled. This is your new self-concept, one that is inspired by the soul,” tells Wayne.

In chapter two Wayne goes into further details about how we all have a higher, divine self. He informs us that there is a spark of God within all of us that we can expand. To prove his point of view that we are all really spiritual beings enjoying a human experience, Wayne shares a very interesting idea. He says that we are not really our bodies because we are constantly outgrowing our bodies and growing into new bodies, yet the “I” that is you still remains, your consciousness, your divine self, your soul.
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