Wu Wei, Non-doing – Effortless Action by Lao Tzu Audiobook

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#wuwei #nondoing #effortlessaction

Da dao wu wei 大道无为, (Da Dao means greatness, wu wei means non doing / effortless action). ‘Never acts yet nothing is left undone’ – Lao Tzu.

“When the work is done, don’t ask for credits. That’s why it last forever.”
“Be like water, everyone wants to go up, water always flows to the bottom”

It can be challenging to understand how simply “doing nothing” can be seen as valuable or effective in our achievement-oriented society that values constant striving, business, consumption, and burnout.

However, wu wei reveals a profound aspect of human existence – that when we release tension and fully embrace the external world, we open ourselves up to new possibilities for freedom, adaptability, and creative strength.

This book explores the origins of wu wei in important Taoist texts such as the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, which praises the natural perfection of effortless harmony.

Water effortlessly overcomes obstacles and gradually smooths even the toughest surfaces through its persistent and gentle nature. When we apply the watercourse way to our lives, we realise that a lot of our frustrations, whether at work, in relationships, or within ourselves, come from trying to force solutions instead of letting things naturally evolve with the changing circumstances.

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@kevinrhodes4325 says:

You should really learn to pronounce these names if you want anyone to take it seriously.

@awesomejos says:

Wu wei (no self effort) advocate getting into a position where nature and serenity move you into your final goal. Its like what the bible said (copied from Lao zi) Labour to enter into the rest. Entering into the rest takes effort and when you are in rest, things happen.

@cynthiacassel says:

Yes, that’s why I’m in a charming family home wrapped in a cashmere shawl drinking hot tea while my feet feel like small blocks of ice. Kansas is an ice castle right now and we have to adjust.

@michaeljarmstrongjr5569 says:

Gratitude 🙏 #TOGM

@dianesmith8183 says:

Thank you for posting. We need to remember what's important and build on that foundation.

@museumofwoman6633 says:

Good material. Find a human reader. Mispronunciations are distracting. Thank you.

@StressRUs says:

Great stuff-"Effortless Action". I'm a retired psychiatrist/physician and had the opportunity to live in Bangkok for 6 wks in 1974. Another psychiatrist befriended me, who had spent a year as a Buddhist monk, and he took me through many of the spectacular temples in Bangkok. Now, it is just another overpopulated big western-style city. It was still mostly an ancient Buddhist city in 1974. In my retirement, I have had the opportunity to focus on sobriety, study, and write a book on "Stress". I presented the first of four discussions of that book, "Stress R Us" at a small local college and to fellow retirees yesterday. Unlike during my 42 yr. medical career, with numerous teaching opportunities, this time I was effortless, had no anxiety (which surprised me), and simply flowed naturally along with the question and answer format that unfolded itself. It was very well received and I'm making some new friends as a result. I am 78 and finally my sober, authentic self. Lao Tzu had it right. Namaste'

@williamgorden6390 says:

Even good advice from a machine is uninspiring

@corinabtaylor says:

Timely message! Thank you 🙏

@mananui3279 says:

Woo way….

@lisawonderful2222 says:

love thank you 🎉

@stewartthomas2642 says:

Love your stuff kick on love it 👍 ❤

@susanshort9328 says:

Great book. Still don’t understand why a human can’t read it. It matters

@yanuszg says:

Great lector and merit but for God sake Lao Tzu is not prenaunced like Leo di Caprio !

@nematarot7728 says:

The intelligence reading this book is fascinating! Thank you for reading such a good book! I love the exploration of all the different ways to pronounce Wu Wei! 💚

@user-er8mb2fe5q says:

Buddhism+ Doaism, Stoicism are really good.

@perinatalcares says:

At 15 min I have learned this lesson the hard way. It is truth.

@SpartanNinjaZ says:

Wwwooooowaaaayyy Wooooweee

@Anders01 says:

I think many scientists agree that the universe is an automatic process, and then it means that Wu Wei is already the case! Not the mechanical determinism that Laplace proposed but a creative form of automatic process.

@user-hf8zy6rv4c says:

Thank you, my friend. Who is the author of the book?

@merybiji9847 says:

Thank you so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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