You Already Know What You Need To Know

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When we tap into our intuition and connection to the universe, we find that we have access to the answers we seek.
In this video, Neale Donald Walsch reminds us that we already know all that we need to know.

Join us in this ground-breaking free masterclass with Juan Pablo Barahona as he teaches & demonstrates 5 simple techniques for daily use to instantly activate your quantum health here πŸ‘‰

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Marlene Engleman says:

Beautiful. Thank you for reminding MEπŸ’—πŸ’–β€οΈπŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ˜‡

Gorette MonizMelo says:

I only by picuter rΓ©al live wake me up dearm God i give up i give up

David Scott says:

Great talk by Donald and interesting that both he and Eckhart Tolle the two most popular spiritual teachers alive today both have never taken any psychedelics in their lifetimes.

howard strougo says:

I think I know, but I'm still quite neurotic…

alexiasts says:

He is so amazing πŸ™πŸ’•

Saul Alonso Palazuelos says:

This guy has inspired half of the world in one or other way

JuliΓ  Arcau says:

Thank you πŸ™πŸ€

Phoenix says:

We are reflections of the One, so all is here and now … See the dimensions and enjoy it …. Amen love God πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈ

Sameep Srivastava says:

The first three books where genuine. That's it is given. Otherwise this person is a fake. This person will do anything to get attention. Drama Queen that ever broke biscuit

beau didly says:


Ferdinand Getti says:

Every christan who understands the bible and had experience with the holly spirit will NEVER trust him.

Diamond Dia says:

To know = being awaken
To know = Love is the key
To know = We are united
To know = The Now
To know = Peace with You

Syed Zain says:

All his words are stolen from the quotes of my master namely ALI/ALIA/HAIDER/IBN E ABU TALIB who is the brother of Prophet Muhammad .. I wish Mr.Neale must take his name also in all his lectures…

dehsa says:

Hi Neal! I discovered A COURSE IN MIRACLES through you, about 8 years ago.Love your para-psychological slant to spirituality! And, just like A COURSE IN MIRACLES it completely agrees with the Bible.

Chris Jackson says:

I get it … it hit me five days ago hard and anything that anyone asked me flows I just know it hit me hard I can answer any question exactly as me okay right now I know I figured it out I reached my higher Consciousness and I'm trying to keep that you have to not let your human body your human brain interfere with your spiritual consciousness or spiritual so however you want to look at it it's all the same your light but there is only one thing we do know for sure that there is "ONE" and that there is all that there ever was..and that is that we spiritually are One


Your truly great

Fran I am says:

Life is good when you remember life is God , and God is love, and Gods love IS FREE!

And that is the essence of who I am!
I am the seed in the fruit, and the water that watered the tree, and the tree.. I am all of it.

Love you all

Brigitte Dohr says:

Please watch serious evangelists preaching the true gospel not entertainment like this the death of our savior at the cross was to
costly time is to short for entertainment without repentens and salvation by YESHUA HA MASHIACH JESUS cCHRIST watchmanonthewall88 perry stone jonathan cahn kirt schneider amir tsrafati-behold israel musik by paul wilbur sinach josef brian doerksen blessings shalom brig

mchristos606 says:

After watching this, anyone who says that they know is an ….IDIOT !

Lori Hoffman says:

Love you!! β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈπŸ™
But I thought you said you do meditate 20 minutes every day? Or no?

JOANNA C says:

You don't know what you don't know and what you don't know is that this is a deception, NDW doesn't even know he's been decieved. This information is not coming from our creator GOD, I was once decieved by this type of deception but was saved (literally saved and shown the truth)by our savior JESUS CHRIST. This information is very deceptive, lies nixed with truth ,it is moving people AWAY from our creator GOD. I am not going to debate this fact ,it's not an opinion, I am not a religious freak, please be careful, do not allow yourselves to be separated from our HEAVENLY FATHER.

Arne Berg says:

Funny joke —

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