You are Perfect Already by Mooji and Neale Donald Walsch – REVISED

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Mooji is a spiritual teacher originally from Jamaica. Mooji is a disciple of Papaji, a devotee of the advaita and non-dual master Ramana Maharshi.

Neale Donald Walsch is an American author of the series Conversations with God. He is also an actor, screenwriter, and speaker.

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Transcript By: Julius Schaffer –

My Website:
Being Spiritually Awake:
Oneness Meditation Center:

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POP Lifestyle says:

Love this so much! This is exactly the message we want to share with our youth so that they can grow up in their knowing of their perfection. Check out our videos to help explain to your little ones how to hold a positive mindset and create a life they enjoy 🙂

roy york says:

Take No thought "Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven". psalm 107:30 kjv

Choco Manger says:

Mooji's a "feel good" guru that ultimately doesn't help anyone. You feel good while you're listening to the satsang, then when it's over, you go back to your good old problems He's probably a step above Eckhart Tolle who keeps you searching and searching for "the now", which is actually right here always and never not here. These guys make so much money leading people along. Watch out for the scandals in the future. It always happens when people like these get really big. I tmay not be next year, or the next, but I bet within 15 years there will be a Mooji scandal.

Αικα Παπα says:

Right ! Sure !
Please be realistic.
See the ramifications of such an idealistic and unreal statement.
Be rational.
If everyone is " perfect" it is like saying We know it all already and thus we have no more changing, developing and EVOLVING to do. EXPANSION stops.
Growth stops.
The Universe stops.

This could simply be a delusion of the Ego and not the truth.

Moreover even if Neale is right (we are here to demostrate not to evolve) that would mean that a SERIAL KILLER who killed your child is PERFECT as he is. And every other person who is truly EVIL and abused or wronged others is truly perfect.

Are you ready to accept that ?

If yes, then that would mean I can go out tomorrow and shoot 100 people JUST BECAUSE I AM " PERFECT".

How would you view that ?
As a perfection ? Or a horror ?
Huh ?

Because when these two speak of perfection I am sure they have in mind the AVERAGE human who Suppresses his DARK side to fit in with society.

But would they say the same thing to the face of a MAD MAN WHO ATTACKS THEM AND STABS THEM WITH A KNIFE ?

" Oh my dear YOU ARE SO PERFECT!!!"

Yeah right! Let me see them do that.

This is pure idealistic Polyanna Nonsense. I Am sorry.

Don't live in the clouds.
Be grounded and REALISTIC!

Nancy M. Harris says:

I had last rites at 3months old

The Hidden Paw says:

Not good enough. It's not good enough. It's not good enough to be called into the world, brought into the world to be, or do anything. If we were good enough, and perfect when we were born, then by extension we were good enough and perfect before we were born into this shit storm of a world. Tell this to all the people that were burned at the stake. To the person being murdered even as I speak. Even as I sit here in my chair. Tell that to all the people brought into the world living their lives as nothing but fodder for the machine. Shackled by the world and it's monstrous lies, and doings. Tell them they are perfect even as the feelings of utter rejection by the world brings a hurt that no one should ever have to feel, or experience. Go ahead. It's all pretty quaint. Life is brutal. It demands. It takes without asking. It shackles everyone with duty, and chore, and doings, and maintenance, and upkeep, and drives people to do hideous things, even unto the destruction of our individual selves, plowing through to humanity as a whole. Get up, it's time for school. Don't do that. Stop crying. Time for work. Crashed my car. Lost my wife. Family murdered. Genocide. Apathy. What more? The flip side of the coin does not offer enough to compensate for the absolute horror and tragedy the world inflicts upon its inhabitants, both by the machine of nature and in the hands of mankind, the most brutal construct of all. What pains and horror, and persecution have been visited upon those that come into the world not of their own will but through the will of others bearing them in with ne'er a serious thought towards the burden unbearable that the world is. We despise even our own that we could be so cruel. Guilty every one. Guilty. Guilty as charged.

76meko says:

Thank you. ✨💞🙌🏽💞✨

EvanMasonMusic says:

So beautiful. Thank you

tftka dawidalle says:

Essential. Thanks.

Ellycat says:

Nature 🙏🏽

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