You Create Life as You Wish – Neale Donald Walsch

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Neale’s conversation with God sheds a little insight into “God” and why we are here.
Read more about it in his book: Conversations with God
Music: Capo Productions – Revolutions

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  • Categories: Neal Walsch


Mel Jones says:

*If it’s not life, it doesn’t exist.* Words are the *mind* and the *mind*
is the words. In the beginning was not the words. *There was no beginning.*
If you’re a *truth seeker, go to truthcontest◘com and read “The present”*

Ute Panzenboeck says:

You are not your body, not your mind, and not your soul. So who are you?
And why are you?

nexuss says:

Absolutely amazing. The music fits perfect, the message is perfect. thanks
a lot!! God bless you!

Victoria Generao says:

You are not your body, not your mind, and not your soul. So who are you?
And why are you?

Joseph White says:

He has such a carming relaxing voice 

RedKobra says:

It’s just like having an imaginary friend. They let you work things out for
yourself too.

Juliet Lever says:

I have watched this about 100 times and it still makes me shift and smile

Marielle Llena says:

his voice calms me most of the time…

rajani brahma says:

You are not your body, not your mind, and not your soul. So who are you?
And why are you?

Beatriz Kajt says:

So wise! unfortunately he speaks so fast that people like me who are not
natives americans or british don’t get it well….

Andrew Arthur Breese says:

Lol! you took my timelapse work without permission, but I don’t even care!
Keep doing great things like this! If it’s for a worthy cause, it’s paid in

Greyz174 says:

i’m new to this guy. what god is he talking about?

Taylor Demesmin says:

This gentleman is completely 100 percent right when you think of it our
body is of the earth but the breath of life that God gave us is of the
universe because he is the creator of the universe and the universe came
out of him and he put the universe into us which makes us an unstoppable
abundance we have the power to create whatever we want to create just like
our Father the creator

Rajiv Vassanji says:

awesome video. I have watched 10 times already. the voice brings peace to
my heart. Amazing, very difficult to describe in words.

Marielle Llena says:

i happen to click on his teaching vids on youtube and it was just he was
waking me up from a longsleep walking in this world…i am thankful now i
want more and more knowledge about everything i dont know about.

David Robbins says:

That was just simply awesome.

Mario Vulamparti says:

“I dint quite get the last part” watches it 4 Times “Wow” “but it
can’t….alright” “amazing stuff ”
Progression of interpretation . 

openscorpionmind says:

we are not seperate but one with that infinite wisdom & it is learning more
about itself through our experiences … powerful

Silvia Parreira says:

So wise

Blake Patteson says:

As soon as he referenced his conversation with God I stopped listening.
He’s delusional if he thinks he’s in contact with the divine creator of the
universe, and as a delusional person whatever follows can be thrown out. 

Grzegorz Konka says:

I am hearing all of this and I feel helpless in utilizing any of this in my
own life. As if I was afraid to turn the light on.

SnowTigerr says:

am I the only one to hear Eckart Tolle’s laugh, near the end of this video?
Who was Neale talking to ? where is the rest of this recording?

Greg J Adam says:

Notre volonté d’avancer est ce qui force le plus le respect du Ciel.

Heres to a Wonderful You says:
Ma'Lise G. says:

the struggle is in our minds our hearts our bodies

Killer0fTheSun says:

In essence Neale was talking to himself.

2Cool2bBlackWing2 says:

Keep up the good work!

Qi Huna says:


Randall Fountain says:
electricfemale says:


Anastasia Salkind says:


Syed Usman Haniel says:

I’m loving this. His voice is full of Wisdom.

MAXnBOOM max says:

where can i hear the whole thing? 

Matthew Rosati says:

That was powerful to say the least…

Martin Phaneuf says:
Milli Belisamón says:

beautiful video that captured the essence of his words perfectly!

Manju V. says:

Awesome, so powerful, thank you! Much blessings! 

Andrew Fury says:

We create our lifes as we wish? Lets end wars, murders and all the hate
then for god sake!

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