You don't go anywhere when you die. You are there right now.

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You don’t go anywhere when you die. You are there right now.

#avatar #divineincarnation #love #truelove #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion #Existence #BigBang #NaiveRealism #WhoAreYou #InfiniteLove #TranscendentExistence #Existence #SatChitAnanda #DivineUnion #DarkNightofSoul #Ecstasy #dreamscape #revelation #impermanence #TheRealMetaverse #Metahuman #TotalMeditation #Abundancebook
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brookestephen says:

please realize that this fool has ZERO proof of any of the gobble-dee-gook he says.
Not one word is true.
Don't get sucked in.

Walker Percy says:

He has no way of knowing.

RJ says:

1968 I was in the Jungle and a Mortar round hit about 2 feet from me I was knock-out dead. I was dead for 3 hrs then I woke-up. There is nothing on the other side just darkness.

rãmen says:

YouTube isone hella of drug fr people don’t understand.make it more simplistic.

Mary Morgante says:

Mr Chopra thank you there is so much to learn. Maybe I can finally get rid of my. Anxieties. I do believe in god. That gives me hope.

Golden Lamb 🐏 Золотой Ягнёнок says:

What do you mean you see a ghost ? I have lived here for over 590 years ! And haven’t seen no ghost !!!!! 😂😂😂

F C says:

Can we end this cycle?

Jordan Whisson says:

The first thing is this utterly dishonest science mangler and manipulator has no idea regardless of what flows from his mouth

rebecca moritz says:

A wonderful explanation. 🙏🏻

John B says:

It is NOT possible, for "LIFE The Real Self" to DIE ! The human entity is NOT, "LIFE The Real Self" ! Consciousness involves 2 components; 1/. an Analytical process, involving the brain, and 2/. "AWARENESS", which is NOT a human Component… What humans believe to be reality, is just a 'STORY', displayed in the form of a 'Holographic Simulation', ( Virtual Reality ) in a very small Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE", referred to in ancient manuscripts, as "The HOUSE of GOD"… But "LIFE The Real Self" is the Observer, which is Non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species…

Yeasir Yeamin says:

What happenes to our sleep when we wake up?

P G says:

What nonsense from a false prophet

Ray Walker says:

Expressed so conclusively. How can you possibly know? You don't know. You say whatever sells. Like "I use quantum mechanics as a metaphor." That was an outright lie. You have misused QM for a long time to pretend your vacuous ideas are somehow backed scientifically. They're not. Just like this claim is not backed by anything but a person's thought.

Alex Boros says:

I'm here right now. Waiting to go back.

Tom Trudy says:

Sounds like Kamala Harris and we'll be there when we get there and then we'll be there and this is where we are and we're all here together

Thea says:

You are not Good. How could you say this?

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