Zhuangzi – The Sage of Uncertainty

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In this video, we talk about one of the most central texts and figures in Daoism.

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This video uses footage provided by: https://www.naturestockvideos.com/

Sources/Further Reading:

Komjathy, Louis (2013). “The Daoist Tradition: An Introduction”. Bloomsbury Academic.

Lao Tzu (2013). “Tao Te Ching – A New Translation. Translated by William Scott Wilson. Shambala Publications. Hackett Publishing Co, Inc.

Zhuangzi (2008). “Zhuangzi – The Essential Texts: With Translations from Traditional Commentaries”. Translated by Brook Ziporyn.

#Zhuangzi #Daoism #Philosophy

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@nelson6702 says:

The apple trees haven't been cut down and that useless tree is in the way!

@DistortedV12 says:

Wow this is indeed profound

@f-ergo9670 says:

The art of being useless –
mod book on zhuangzi

@virtue_signal_ says:

You sound like the other German guy…

@bttrfly_aal_almahdi says:

He understood the nature of reality – he found God

@profbri.02 says:

I thought it was spelled with a "T" as in Tao/Taoism, no?

@debilista says:

I bet the world is predestined like putting seed into minecraft world generation that would always give you the same result. If you can predict any subset of a whole set and if the subset and whole set work on the same rules – then you can predict the whole set as math works. If you can predict how hot your tea is then given enough computing power you can predict how the entire universe ends before it ends (given that it has an ending point).
Maybe everyone was predestined to do and be whatever is their current state with an illusion of free will. It gives you realization that all resistance to what was set ages ago is pointless.
Combine it with realization of lack of permanence and lack of objective boundaries of anything like even my own person – like buddha figured, and you probably can derive answer to any question regarding our existence and be right, objective and provable like maths. The fact most people dont get maths is not a sign it does not exist. It does and there is definitive answers you can learn, but it is same way with existentialism. Just not everyone is able to see them or needs more tinkering on it.
Absolute emptiness. No matter any circumstances i cant feel bad but i cant feel good too. Even during examinations this semester that i am not sure i can pass i do not feel anything and just go, no contest, no worries, just flow in accordance. All suffering of daily life and its entirety too. Maybe it was meant to be all this way.

@hermes537 says:

I found a complete translation of his writings here https://terebess.hu/english/tao/Zhuangzi-Burton-Watson.pdf This video whete my appetite so much, now I wonder where the more salient texts are in between all these pages!

@vertbeke7977 says:

Interesting stuff ❤😮

@NasierOmran says:

The ultimate purpose of all life is to gloryfing the one existence. The deeper and more we realise this, the more tranquility and inner peace we expiernce.

@BjarneLinetsky says:

Tao, tzu-jan and wu wei are closely related concepts. Zhuang Tzu incorporated these ideas as the foundation of his writings.

@BjarneLinetsky says:

It strikes me that the philosophers of the Four Classics were roughly contemporary with the Greek philosophers…..Did not both groups have their followers? And did not both groups strive to improve mankind?

@AshtonStennett-gh8qb says:

This fish interaction was cold 😤😮‍💨

@MPLS_Andy says:

Do a mozi episode. He was dope

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